Our Ministries
God has composed the body, the church, so that every member is significant. The members should have "the same care for one another" (1 Cor. 12:25 NASB). In order to have this care, TLC endeavors to provide ministry to encourage, equip and meet the needs of all its members.
We invite you to come and experience for yourself a multi-generational church that embraces the importance of all of it's members of all ages and stages of life.
TLC Kid's Club - Children's Ministry
We love kids and we make sure they know they are valued and loved. Our TLC Kids Club offers a place where children can discover and develop a passion for God.
Through worship, teaching, and a variety of fun activities, children are challenged to grow in their relationship with God.
From babies to kids in elementary school, there is a place for all kids. We want our kids to know that living the Christian life is wonderful!
TLC Youth Ministry
At TLC Youth Ministries we strive to grow in our Faith in Christ while building lasting relationships with each other and have fun doing so. Our goal is to reach farther into our community to show the love of Christ and be the Lights to the students in the Monticello/ Tallahassee area.
Our ministry is founded on 4 key values:
1. Grow: Knowing God on a deeper level through our studies
2. Connect: Creating a place where everyone is accepted and loved
3. Worship: Learning to love and honor God in everything we do
4. Serve: Unselfishly putting others needs before our own to show them the Love of Jesus
At TLC we believe in the next generation. In addition to having their own time of "getting together" they are also a vital part our church's worship life. You will see our youth involved in helping lead praise and worship, drama, our audio/visual ministry, and many other areas.
J.O.Y !! - (Just Older Youth )
Seniors Group
We know that age is just a number. Our senior adult ministry knows this too. They are a beautiful group of people 50 years of age and older who enjoy the peace and joy that comes from a life lived for God. They gather periodically for a time of delicious food, great fun, and mutual encouragement.
TLC - Touching Lives in our Community
TLC cares about the community that we live in. We look for ways that will help enhance, encourage and bless the people around us. We have had wonderful opportunities to participate in helping the Jefferson County Schools feed needy children. We were able to bless our local fire and sheriff's department with meals, suits and bibles. We have been running a shuttle-bus ministry to bring children from our county to our Children's Church where they can enjoy food, fun, praise & worship and be taught the wonderful lessons from the Bible.
We believe that serving is part of what God has called all of us to do - so if you would like an opportunity to share your love and compassion with your community - we invite you to be a part of TLC!
Wednesday Connect & Grow
At Transforming Life Church, we offer many different types of groups to help you connect and grow in your relationship with God and others. It’s not good to simply come in on Sunday and then slip out without anyone noticing. God seeks to radically transform lives and this happens in the context of Transforming Refresh Groups. Here you will have the opportunity to be challenged spiritually, share life, care for one another, and experience the joy of belonging and becoming more like Jesus. There are groups for adults, youth, and children offering a time of teaching,worship and prayer together.